Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Exclusive Interview with Executive Producer Antonio Racciano

NEW RELEASE: August 12, 2012

Mostly Infamous (2012) Written/Directed by Anthony Terracciano

A behind the scenes and candid look into the real lives of Rock 'n Roll Groupies. Inspired by Cameron Crowe's brilliant film Almost Famous, we see what it is really like for these girls who are the muse and inspiration to some of the greatest music ever written.

We have an exclusive interview with the Executive Producer of the film Antonio Racciano.

Me: I have really been looking forward to this release. Did you enjoy making the film?
Antonio Racciano: We had a good time making it,  everything went really well on this one, not too many problems to contend with.
Me: What's amazing to me is that you always and I mean always come in on schedule and under budget. How are you able to do that?
Antonio: Planning, planning and more planning.  Murphy's Law is always a factor and we are completely aware of that fact. When things go wrong and something always does we just work around it, go through it, under it, over it, whatever the obstacle. Basically we're just a bunch of really creative guys and we're good at brainstorming solutions on the set.
Me: What's the new film about?
Antonio: It's about the real lives of Rock 'n Roll groupies.  Almost Famous by Cameron Crowe, is a true masterpiece of filmmaking in my opinion.  I always wondered what that life was really like.
Me: You didn't Direct this one, why?
Antonio: I've decided to spend the majority of my time developing projects and taking on the role of Executive Producer. We have a new, incredibly talented Director in Anthony Terracciano, who has taken on this project with great vision, I'm really proud of this film and Anthony did an amazing job.
Me: The last time we ran into each other was at Telluride, with your showing of "Their Unique Journey Inside Hollywood", that film was well received critically but hasn't reached the masses, why do you think that is?
Antonio: It all comes down to Distribution and Marketing. We are in the process of finding a Distribution partner. We want to partner with Miramax, I am a great admirer of Bob and Harvey Weinstein and have been for years. I think Harvey is a genius, in every sense of the word.
Me: Why do you think Harvey is a genius?
Antonio: Honestly, I could go on and on but for one, he's a brilliant  Editor and he has a good eye for what should be on the screen. Harvey and Bob are both incredibly talented in what they do, their track history speaks for itself and that is why we want to partner with them.
Me: What are you working on next?
Antonio: We have just finished "Mostly Infamous" and we're working on getting the film out there for people to see. Anthony is in pre-production on Doorstown, a documentary on Jim Morrison and The Doors.  We have an interesting cast for that one,  Anthony has already done interviews with Oliver Stone and Ray Manzarek.
Me: Will you be in the editing room with Anthony for that one?
Antonio: Yes, always... In post-production I practically live in the editing room. I absolutely love that part of the process, it is truly where the magic happens.
Me: Thank you for taking the time to sit down with me for the interview, it is always a pleasure.
Antonio: Thank you.
Here is a link to watch Mostly Famous by Antonio Racciano Productions